The full archive of both the Block of the Month and 40th Anniversary blocks are now available! They can be accessed from the Block of the Month page, or just click the links below.
The archives are best viewed on a large screen, and are only accessible to members.
40th Anniversary Block Archive
From the main menu, navigate to Activities|Block of the Month to learn about the program and access the archive pages.
The GQCCC website team has been working for the last several months to redesign and rebuild this website. Enjoy the retro colors, in celebration of our founding in 1973, 50 years ago! The website is faster, easier to navigate, and more tightly integrated with Wild Apricot, our membership management software. We hope browsing and getting the information you need will be smoother and a pleasurable experience.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact the webmaster using the Contact form.
© 2019-2024 Guild of Quilters of Contra Costa County
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Federal Tax ID: 82-2393097)
All rights reserved